Monday, September 30, 2019

Is Homeschooling More Beneficial for Students Than Public School? Essay

Is homeschooling more beneficial for students than public school? Deciding whether homeschooling is good for your child or not, I’ve always been caught off guard with the topic. When I think about it, I wonder if my son would do better in public school with a bunch of strangers, or would he do better with me teaching him one-on-one with no distractions? 1. Social Interaction 2. Safety 3. Performance 4. Cost When thinking about homeschooling your child, one thing that comes to mind is wondering if the isolation will affect your child physically and/or emotionally, or possibly causes them depression in the future. â€Å"The homeschoolers scored as â€Å"well adjusted.† In one study, trained counselors viewed videotapes of mixed groups of homeschooled and schooled children at play. The counselors didn’t know the school status of each child. The results? The homeschooled kids demonstrated fewer behavioral problems. Dr. Lines’ conclusion? â€Å"There is no basis to question the social development of homeschooled children.† (Social Skills and Homeschooling: Myths and facts’ By: Isabel Shaw). This article would be a pro to those who are looking into homeschooling their child. What parent wouldn’t want their child to have less behavioral issues? So far, homeschooling is sounding more and more like a good idea. Every parent thinks about their child leav ing home to go to school with so many strange people they don’t know, and of course they worry. Some think of it as a good duration for a break. While other parents are extremely worried due to past unfortunate experiences that have occurred in public schools. Is homeschooling safer? As a parent myself, I definitely wouldn’t hesitate to say that my son staying home is a lot more safe than sending him to school. But is it worth it? What is the likelihood of something bad happening to a public school? â€Å"5. Safety To my knowledge, I would say it is safer to homeschool. Last year, there were reports of serious school violence on a daily basis. I’ve been told the number of families that chose to homeschool skyrocketed after the murders and shootings at the various schools around the country.† (‘Ten Questions About Homeschooling’ By: Isabel Shaw the Homeschooling expert). The biggest concern that I would see with parents regarding homeschool would be performance. Will the child actually learn things while being homeschooled? Will they take it seriously? Will it be boring for the child, or will they love to do school activities? It’s unpredictable. â€Å"Statistics do not just speak favorably about minorities but all students who homeschool, regardless of their demographics. The study â€Å"Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America† completed in 1997, included 5,402 students that homeschool. The study verified that on average, homeschoolers were performing higher than their public school equivalent â€Å"by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects† (Klicka, 2006, p . 1). This seems to be the case in all studies performed on homeschoolers; however, due to the lack of standard test practices in each state and no unbiased collection of these scores, it is hard to determine the exact average score for homeschooling families.† (‘Homeschooling Student Performance Why Homeschooling is on the Rise’ By: Autumn Burke). Last but not least, the most concerning part of homeschooling is the cost. I have always heard that the cost of homeschooling is very expensive, especially if the parents want the child to be successful. It takes a lot of money and a lot of patients to thoroughly teach your child what they need to know. Paying for homeschooling is a lot more expensive than public school but from the research I have applied to this writing, I would say that it’s worth every penny. In an article named ‘Cost of Homeschooling VS Public School’ shows that the average parent who pays for public school costs can pay at an average of $10,000 per year! That’s a lot more than what I expected. On the other hand, the average cost for a student whose homeschooled states to cost no more than $1000. (‘Cost of Homeschooling VS Public School’ By: Sopater). As a result to comparing homeschooling to public school, I would say homeschooling would be the most beneficial for your child and you.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Does the Story Encourage the Reader to Admire Scheherazade? Essay

The author in the story uses many linguistic devices such as metaphor, superlatives, similes and strong adjectives to encourage the reader to admire Scheherazade. The author uses superlatives to set up the story such as he describes Scheherazade’s beauty â€Å"Excelled that of any girl in the Kingdom of Persia. This gives the story a background of extreme power and amazing people; an exotic world with a powerful romantic appeal. Scheherazade’s character has described well in a sentence. Her description has been given in such a way that the readers are made to admire Scheherazade, like â€Å"her sister was clever and courageous in the highest degree†. This also gives the readers hope that she could be the one to stop the Sultan’s â€Å"barbarous practice†. Her beauty has been said to have â€Å"Excelled that of any girl in the Kingdom of Persia† which makes the readers think that she was the most sought woman in Persia. The author proves Scheherazade intelligence and cleverness to the readers when Scheherazade married the Sultan as she was determined to stop the â€Å"barbarous practice†. She tricked the Sultan by telling fascinating stories and letting the Sultan postpone the execution to continue Scheherazade’s fascinating story. The author’s use of adjectives in describing Scheherazade has helped him to make the readers believe in Scheherazade. Scheherazade has showed herself to be of high principles as she said â€Å"I am determined to stop this barbarous practice†. This shows how the readers admire Scheherazade. Read more:  Describe a person you admire essay

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Accountant in Private or Public Sector Should Remain Impartial

Accountant In Private Or Public Sector Should Why Remain Impartial? An accountant in private or public sector should remain impartial and also loyal to ethical guidelines when preparing and reviewing the company’s financial statements for reporting purposes. Some of the contemporary issues that affect an accountant in the workplace emanate from outside or forces within trying to ensure that financial records are manipulated to make the company appear as if it is making profits when this is far from the truth(Anandarajan and Simmers, 2002). This leads to both criminal and ethical violations. The balance from the legal point of view can be considered as the assets and rights in favor of the company in a given moment of time (assets), the obligations contracted at that date (liabilities) and, as a difference, the property belonging to the owners (Bowie and Werhane, 2006). From the economic point of view, the balance sheet shows the sources of financing that existed at any given time, both from third parties outside the company, as well as from the owners of the company (liabilities and assets) and the investment or application that has been given To that (active) financing. Some of the work place problems include: the goal of makeup or "beautification" of the balance sheet is to make the company's liquidity situation appear more favorable. From this point of view, it is customary to practice transferences of securities or feigned transactions in books, aimed at taking sums from accounts considered as not realizable to other accounts held by more liquid, before the balance sheet is drawn up. Irregularities to records or accounting reports for any fraudulent purpose may be "employee fraud" or "management fraud". Employee fraud refers to dishonest acts done against the company by its employees. Examples include asset theft, charging lower sales prices to "favored" customers, receiving money from suppliers, overestimating hours worked, filling expense accounts, and embezzlement (theft of assets that Is hidden by falsifying accounting records). Management fraud refers to a deliberate misrepresentation made by top management of a business to outsiders, tending to mislead investors or creditors, concealing the truth, and to this can be added the rudeness between partners, as well Such as the fraudulent management of Directors and Directors, which may consist of misappropriation of funds or distortion of Balance Sheet. This naturally entails having to make false entries during the course of the business year, which will alter the time of the statement of the balance when it is being drawn up. The most common is that such false seats take place during the inventory; Excessive wages to managers and / or their families which allows management to use them for personal purposes; Fraudulently structured business transactions between the company and members of its senior management; Transfer of accounts to another that have nothing to do with the origin of the operation; Seats that have been embroiled in order to maintain or introduce certain values not included in the balance sheet, as in the case of value depreciation in the "goods" account when part of the goods is damaged; Fictional sales; Fictive existence of assets; False overvaluation of the Asset; Omission of commitments; Indication of a major change to the real, among many others.   According to the manner and time of its execution, the accounting offenses of the employers are broken down into three categories: those committed in the course of the exercise(Bragg, 2001). Those that are made when formulating the inventory with repercussion on the balance sheet and the offenses of balance proper, in the most limited sense, which affect the accounts of the Major to obtain the balance sheet. Management that wants to hide the situation of their business can do it in two directions: up or down. In the first case there is the purpose of making the commercial capacity appear in the books and vice versa in the second; The final effect is to distort the general situation, according to the interest that may exist according to the prevailing circumstances. The above risks are commonly handled in risk management of companies, but how could we translate them into an accounting firm? Perhaps we could handle them as quantitative, qualitative risks, risks arising from the management of the business and results of recent audits. The quantitative risk should be evaluated by aspects such as the sufficiency of the cash flows of the business, the amount of capital of the firm itself, the sufficiency of the fees to collect the financial situation of the business, and so on(Careers in accounting, 2008).The qualitative risk of the business should be given by aspects such as the industry in which the firm is immersed with its main customers, its number of customers and suppliers, management experience in charge of the business, number of products on the market, personnel Key in the operation, and so on. The problem arising from the operation of the business, by the administration in charge, results from such issues as the pressure of the partners to generate profits or positive cash flows, financing needs, additional capital, reserves not to recognize (Or recognize) inadequate income, very high administrative compensation based on results. Indications of unhealthy accounting practices may also result in a risk, only comparable to the lack of sincerity (to hide information) of the administration towards the partners of the firm. The results of recent audits of our own accounts and controls can point us to the risks that other Accounting professionals have detected in the recent past. The pressure to impose ideas, unreasonable dates of reporting, detected frauds, unexplained departures from the firm's staff, and so on. Litigation is also a source of risk for the firm, as well as operations or contracts unnecessarily complex with parts of the firm, etcetera(Weetman, 2016).As can be seen, trying to convert traditional general risks into landed risks for the accounting profession (specific industry) is complex and it is only after a careful evaluation of them, their weights and their balances that can lead to knowing Whether the risk you are taking with your contracts is acceptable or not. One suggestion to carry out such an assessment of the total risks of the firm is the development of one or more risk matrices in which the different types of risk to which the firm is subject are evaluated by assigning values of each of the different risks Noted above. Once the analysis was developed through a matrix with weighted data, the result would be a scheme, perhaps as follows With limited exceptions, issuers may not extend or maintain credit, extend credit arrangements, or renew an extension of credit, in the form of a personal loan for any of their senior managers or executives(Test of professional competence in management accounting, 2013). An existing credit extension will not be subject to this prohibition if there is no material modification to the credit extension or renewal after the enactment of the law.   This fraud strongly impacts the financial statements. It can include asset theft, concealment of debts, manipulation of income, manipulation of expenses, among others.     Alteration of information: change of information before or during computer entry. Anyone who has access to the process of creating, registering, transporting, encoding, examining, converting information that enters the computer can do so.   Trojan horse: It consists of placing additional instructions in a program so that, in addition to its own functions, it performs an unauthorized function. It can be done by anyone who has access to any file normally used by the program. It's easy to hide among hundreds of program instructions. It can also be hidden in the operating system. They are introduced preferentially by adding the unauthorized change when implementing an authorized change to the program. Salami Technique: Theft of small amounts from a large number of records through fraud in the program. The funds thus obtained are applied to a special account. Control totals do not change. The person equipped with this course are   considered to be trusted advisors to managers who did not have a leading and driving role, much less control and monitoring, since their role was confined to making recommendations on the progress of the company and the management of its executives , Validating with their presence and their signature the acts of those, to such an extent that in business language a radical line was made between what was management and those who called themselves directors, in a denomination that was above all honorific(Test of professional competence in management accounting, 2013). This reduces ethical issues in the accounting and management profession. This eans that their performance is exclusively in the interest of society and associates and are subject to a catalog of functional prescriptions that makes them active subjects of business management, not only as drivers of their objectives but also as Vigilantes of the implementation and of the results of its policies, strategies and programs, assigning them a joint and unlimited liability to the damages caused by deceit or fault to society, partners or third parties, unless there is no knowledge Of the action or omission that generates responsibility or has been voted against, provided that those who oppose the act have not executed it. How accounting degree can be used to solve workplace problems To determine the location of accounting in the field of knowledge, assuming for the present work, the different definitions of some work that relate it to the economy, regardless of whether or not they belong to the Economic School of Accounting, which was published in the virtual International Accounting and Social Responsibility of Organizations, Accounting is a social science of an economic nature whose purpose is, by means of a specific method, a way to produce information in quantitative terms, relative to the economic-patrimonial reality that occurs in an economic unit so that the users of the information can make decisions In relation to the expressed economic unit(Management accounting, 2010). Accounting is an economic science that serves the explanatory, predictive and control information of the measurement and aggregation of the value of wealth and of the income generated in the exchange of private and public subjects Research problems and accounting research problems are needed, which lead to the diagnosis and description of aspects that generate obstacles in research. As an example, research in order of the major research topics is presented through the most representative academic journals with the intention of evidencing the global accounting research. The problem that guides the argument is the need to distinguish two problematic axes in accounting research that makes this exercise an activity that historically marches slowly, seeking to understand that with the conceptual and analytical clarifications in the conceptions that govern accounting knowledge, Could contribute to the disruption of this issue. It is established that problems are not the same as motivators of research, that the problems that revolve around research as a human activity. This writing has been thought with two purposes, which are meant to mean in the title(Management accounting, 2010). On the one hand, it is implied th at there are research problems in the science or discipline of accounting, which are those that by nature move to a field of knowledge; That is, that through the accounting an investigator could explain an own fact of such discipline. This first approximation leads to linking the problems of investigation in the plane of what can be called accounting ontology, as it refers to the object of accounting study, to the facts of which accounting is concerned. On the other hand, it is understood the problems of accounting research, as the result of an accounting epistemological analysis, in the sense of outlining the main axes that lead to problematic situations in the process of accounting research as a social activity. For this first part it is necessary to make precision about what can be understood by research problem. Traditionally it has been understood that a problem is a situation of conflict, where there are two aspects that do not correspond with each other, either the reality and the explanation of it; On the other hand, a problem is understood as the absence of an explanation about aspects of reality that have not yet been addressed and / or finally that in the face of a problem the available explanations are not coherent. The above three causes are the sources of problems in science. It is important to emphasize that problems are not exhausted in the abstraction presented here, but that many problems can be generated by confusions in language, in thought, these problems would be philosophical, however, To the extent that philosophical approaches to accounting problems exist, these ways of understanding them can significantly guide researchers in providing solutions(Management accounting, 2010). The latter aspect provides a path that is not entirely unexplored, but which has been insufficiently exploited for the benefit of accounting discipline. Accounting as a scientific discipline can be approached from any of these models of science. Whatever it is, accounting research is needed from two planes; the pure and the applied. On the applied side, research becomes pragmatic, instrumental and technological, seeking concrete solutions to specific information problems derived from empirical research, inductive, starting from the state of things that exist, without trying to transform it. This investigative exercise revolves around recognizing - measuring - disclosing the accounting fact, through an information system, to generate information useful in economic decision making, within the framework of the market logic. On the "pure" side, research in accounting is based on the search for new theories, methods, techniques, to know the accounting reality through an interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, multidisciplinary or multidisciplinary conception. The center of this type of research is the expansion of the frontiers of accountin g knowledge based on the idea that accounting is a socially, economically, politically and culturally constructed discipline. The link between these investigations and accounting practice for many is diffuse, but it must be considered that for a theory to be accepted by the scientific community it has to be recognized, tested and proven, which does not happen in short periods, even more so in The accounting field must go through the recognition of regulatory bodies and relevance to social needs. There are multiplicity of fields in which you can do accounting research either applied or what has been called here pure research, within these we locate some that are representative to give an idea of each category. The problems that are indicated in the plane of accounting epistemology are the diagnosis of the main causes of why accounting as a scientific discipline does not achieve greater developments and socio-technological impact as a social science. They belong to sociology because they detach themselves from the human relations that construct the accounting phenomenon and, therefore, it is incumbent to explain them from this perspective; Are all a consequence of the effects that variables external to the accounting science itself determine their situation. Recommendations Scientific community: the main problems around this category, is whether accounting researchers share minimum elements of methodology and there is agreement on what is or should occupy accounting? For many years there has been debate and writing on this subject, without finding any exit, given the high ideological component that occurs in the answers and proposals. Is there any consensus as to object and method? In thi s sense, apparently basic questions, but with little real impact in both research practice and academia, consensus should not necessarily be imperative. What is really required is clarity in relation to what is investigated and is intended to intervene with the investigation, in order not to invade spaces that other disciplines and sciences already of tradition do much better(Management accounting, 2010). Does the formation of the accountant support the same purposes and share the same literature? The tension in the formation of the counter, inheritance of several decades, more than diversifying approaches, alternatives and generating plurality, has been a dissociating element. What is relevant in this aspect of the problem is whether there is an understanding and understanding of opposing approaches and postures that enable academic debates of scientific rigor that contribute to a dynamic of progress. Does the community handle the same language? The semantic differences within the accounting community are evident as it arises, the distance in the members of the accounting community is not only in the language, but in the valuation and importance of the research activity and the Impact that this must have. Market: the space where accounting functions and the accounting profession properly imposes challenges on us to be able to understand the relationships that must be established between science and economics. It is an external variable of consideration because it conditions the educational system and thus the type of training that is privileged. Is accounting education contingent on the needs of the market? Is accounting research important to the market? Is there research, more for the disciplinary need than for meeting quality standards? The problems of research in accounting are a sample of the potential possibilities of disciplinary development, and are evidence that it is possible to speak of research in workplace accounting. Not only from the application of methodologies of scientific rigor, but also from the perspective of building knowledge about realities built and understood interdisciplinary, on objects and phenomena in the world that revert human, economic and social importance, from accounting as a discipline social, to build forms of recognition, measurement and accounting representation that facilitate society a much more comprehensive understanding of economic and social reality. However, the difficulties jump immediately, but they are the ones that motivate from an epistemological vision, the possibilities, the scope, the character and utility of the same, difficulties that also are object of investigation(Bowie and Werhane, 2006). This situation permeates the relationships in the accounting community, the institutions, the market and the practical utility that derives from it. The, far from being discouraging, invites us to think of research not as a problem in itself, but rather to understand it as the articulating axis that allows us to develop accounting as a dynamic social knowledge and discipline, useful to mankind, not only professionally, But in a sense of understanding of the world and of society that re-establishes it in its social value Anandarajan, M. and Simmers, C. (2002). Managing web usage in the workplace. 1st ed. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA). Bowie, N. and Werhane, P. (2006). Management ethics. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. Bragg, S. (2001). Cost accounting. 1st ed. New York: John Wiley. Careers in accounting. (2008). 1st ed. San Francisco, CA: WetFeet. Duska, R., Duska, B. and Ragatz, J. (2011). Accounting ethics. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. Jeffrey, C. (2004). Research on professional responsibility and ethics in accounting. Bingley, U.K: Emerald. Jeffrey, C. (2008). Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting. Burlington: Emerald Group Pub. Jeffrey, C. (2010). Research on professional responsibility and ethics in accounting. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald. Jeffrey, C. (2014). Research on professional responsibility and ethics in accounting. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald. Jeffrey, C. (2016). Research on professional responsibility and ethics in accounting. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald. Management accounting. (2010). Wokingham, Berkshire: Kaplan Financial Ltd. Professional ethics in accounting and finance. (2012). London: BPP Learning Media Ltd. Test of professional competence in management accounting. (2013). 1st ed. London: BPP Learning Media Ltd. Weetman, P. (2016). Financial and management accounting. Harlow: Pearson

Friday, September 27, 2019

Do you feel that speech is really free Why or why not Essay

Do you feel that speech is really free Why or why not - Essay Example But does this really exist in our society today? Some groups of citizen, especially the military, who are supposed to be protected by this freedom, continue to have limitation on how free they can express themselves through speech. The following paper seeks to show ways in which this freedom of speech has been diluted and can no longer be termed as freedom. The first amendment assures that one has the right to say what they want but with little exclusion. It however does not protect people from the consequences of their actions or words if it may offend others. There are large files and documents in the legal environment that pose rules and regulations on what one can say, when it can be said, in which surroundings it can be conveyed and to whom it is told. Is this freedom of speech? By definition, this clearly does not reflect any democracy. Even though different countries put different weights on discretion of what can be said, there lacks a single country whether in the west or east which fully allows its citizens to express themselves freely. In fact, all countries expect political correctness in one way or another. Americans may be comparatively free to air our views compared to some countries where this subject of writing will lead to incarceration, harassment or even punishable by death (Curtis). The United States of America and the United Kingdom are praised for upholding democracy and protecting a good number of basic human rights including the freedom of speech. However, this is mostly perceived by those living outside these countries and more so in the third world countries. However, individuals like bloggers and political activists feel over-controlled and violated in regards to what can and cannot be said. A good example is expression by two people where one expresses himself by waiving a flag and the other by burning it. The two are treated differently. The one waving the flag will be assumed to be exercising his freedom of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Quantitative Communication Research Variable Essay

Quantitative Communication Research Variable - Essay Example After alteration to "experience working as an engineer" it acts as contingent condition in the hypothesis: "If a majority of people in the audience has experience working as an engineer, a speaker presenting a technology-related topic gets less open-ended questions than a speaker who is delivering a presentation on a topic which is not technological in nature." Independent variable in the following statement: "If a speaker extensively utilizes logical appeals, a person from the audience, when asked to do so, will be more likely to depict the content of the speech in the form of a diagram than if logical appeals were not used." Dependent variable: "Both students and professors, whose personality type according to the Myer-Briggs test classification is characterized by T (thinking) and J (judging), are more likely to use logical appeals when persuading someone than students and professors who have other personality types." Contingent condition: "If logical appeals are used in the message, more unfavorable change announced to the student body at least two weeks in advance will be perceived better than a less significant change students were not informed about in advance." Independent variable: "Students, who have high grade point average in the undergraduate school, perform worse i

Titus Andronicus Questions, 'Spectacle' Assignment

Titus Andronicus Questions, 'Spectacle' - Assignment Example 2) What is the spectacle in this scene? The spectacle therefore is the creation of Lavinia’s torture through cutting of both her hands and her tongue and aptly placing her in a podium amidst a desolate swamp. 3) The mockery of Chiron and Demetrius should be comic relief, but does it feel like that to you? Initially it did; however, as one realized the gravity of their actions and the words that were said to the poor Lavinia, then, their mockery did not feel funny at all. How has Taymor (director) dealt with this aspect and what has she chosen to highlight? The director used effectively selected words and the manner by which these were delivered by Chiron and Demetrius in the scene. She therefore chose to highlight giving torture to Lavinia, not only through physical means, but through verbal mockery of her situation. 4) We see Lavinia before Marcus. Why do we get this long monologue from him? What are the essential components of it? And what does his monolgue teach us about the spectacle of Lavinia? The monologue from Marcus effectively sought the reason for Lavinia’s silence and its components including using figurative language that invoked images such as envisioning Lavinia in that dismal condition and he would want to either sleep and wake up to maybe find out that the sight was just a nightmare of some sort. The monologue therefore effectively assisted in enhancing the spectacle of Lavinia’s torture by establishing her unworthiness of such pain – being evidently professed to be a gentle soul. 5) What overall effect does this scene have on the audience (this means you)? This particular scene was therefore effective in moving the audience into empathizing with Lavinia and apparently sharing similar emotions that her character was depicting. These were made possible through the visual scenery, special effects, delivery

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Select an interesting Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Select an interesting Topic - Essay Example The first word of the title says it all, and is actually quite a humbling thought. Let me explain. While I have never considered myself to be a ‘poor’ writer, I simply did not consider all of my initial drafts to be pure and utter crap. To do so would be to admit that I am not perfect. I mean, after all, who wants to admit that? Seriously, though, I have simply never considered that a first draft should never be looked upon as a paper that anyone but myself would see. Instead, I figured that if I put my thoughts down on paper in a semi-coherent manner, well, that would be enough. Now I understand otherwise. I am actually going to take quite a lot away from having read Lamott’s essay. While I may never be a professional writer, I can certainly strive to do better with recording my thoughts and ideas on paper. I should look at a first draft as an opportunity to expand my ideas and truly capture my thoughts on paper. To do this, I can take the first draft and really polish it up, looking for items I may have missed, and tossing others that, upon reflection, add little substance to the piece. When I do this, I will certainly create better work, no matter how big or small the assignment may

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Labor Management and Personnel Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Labor Management and Personnel Work - Essay Example Behavioral management theory has been modified over time, to incorporate more cognitive and agenetic theories that are inclusive of an individual's socio and physical environment (Stroh, Northcraft, & Neal, 2001). As such, behavioural management theory provides guidance as to management and employee personal and occupational development, and in the identification of employee and target market expectations and needs. This paper will propose a qualitative investigation of job satisfaction among employees at a local bank. Firstly, a literature review will identify current knowledge to justify the design chosen. Secondly, the method will outline the proposed design, variables, materials, ethical considerations and procedure. Finally, a conclusion shall synthesize the main points of the paper and demonstrate the important implications of conducting this study to enhance employee work experiences and to increase workplace efficiency. Behavioral management is a psychological approach to understanding and explaining human behavior; within the organizational setting, the general theory has been used for performance management. Corporations have used the theory to define work behaviors that are considered the most effective to get the job done (Coffs, 1997). Behavioral analysis incorporates a set of concepts and methods that can help to establish efficient and harmonious workplace environments. Behavior analysis concepts help us understand how people function within the realities of the world they live in. Drawing also on general systems concepts, behavioural management theory aids in understanding the reasons why an employee takes a course of action that they do, as well as informing management as to how to determine training needs; and how to communicate positive and negative feedback on employee's performance (Wilson, Lizzio, Whicker, Gallois, & Price, 2003).Importantly, and some say unfounded, job satisfaction h as become the work attitude to be investigated by a majority of researchers seeking to establish a relationship between employee attitudes and workplace efficiency (Wright, 2006). Such study reveals information about the person as an employee, as well as a social entity. "Attitudes," "motives," "values," "perceptions," "personality characteristics," "intelligence," and "performance outcomes," can describe an employee in terms that management can apply to overall business strategies (Kane, 1996).Toyota Ltd takes a critical approach to investigating employee perceptions of work satisfaction. The give each employee a questionnaire for self-evaluation and management feeds back their interpretations, often, the employee might have a different target set as compared to management in terms of performance (Toyota Industries, 2004). Strengths are recognized, and the employee is mentored to work on their weaknesses so as to improve performance. Continuous improvement is always the goal for a company, and in terms of people it is recommended to train and re-train, rather than

Monday, September 23, 2019

Learning In A New Academic Environment Case Study

Learning In A New Academic Environment - Case Study Example They often fail to recognize the challenges in communicating and making friends. Though language can be learned and cultures can be studied in advance, it is never the same when finally arriving on foreign soil. Customs that are important to youth and young adults are often not those that can be learned by reading a textbook or watching television. This is significant, as teens in the US have their own way of speaking and using language, which is very different from that of their parents. Often teens group even those in their social circles by specific categories. At first, I had no idea of the meaning behind many of the terms or categories. I attracted quite a bit of attention, though I did not know whether this was a good or bad think, until I began to learn how social groups worked in my age group. Even though most teens seemed to accept me, there were some that seemed unfriendly. Perhaps they were reacting to the ideas of foreign students that the learned at home. Maybe they were afraid they would not be able to communicate properly. It took me a while to realize that some racism does exist, though most teens and young adults are very accepting. Many are curious as well. Having never visited a foreign land, they find it interesting to meet a student who did not grow up in the US.... some sort of crime without knowing. I also had a fear that I would offend others, by saying something that I did not quite understand. This can happen quite easily when one does not understand the particular terms or meanings in teen phrases. I was fearful when I first began to make my own purchases. Even though I learned the meaning of various monies, I was always on the alert. There are those who will take advantage of others, if they think it is easy to do so. I found myself always counting money and adding my purchases several times before paying for them. At times, those behind me in line would become irritated, even making comments that were not so nice. American culture is different from that in Korea. Although academics and home life are much more structured in Korea, American life is lived at a much faster pace. This can explain the impatience of some. Learning in a new academic environment was the most daunting. Because my understanding and mastery of the English language was not yet complete, I found myself working harder. I had to stay focused on academic studies, while learning to speak appropriately at the same time. This is when I learned that speaking becomes more formal than in social groups. Teachers do not care for the manner and slang terms that teens use, though sometimes they try. School assignments require the use of proper grammar and English, which is often not used among teens in social settings. I am proud to say that I have learned to speak and write English fluently. My first Few months in the US were spent in observation. I watched how teens and young adults Interacted. I watched how teens interacted with adults. I watched

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Psychological Influence of Fashion Essay Example for Free

Psychological Influence of Fashion Essay When one thinks of the identity crisis that plagues people, one is able to discern the connection between fashion and its lure on people. Conformity comes in many forms and affects many aspects of adolescents’ lives. Do adolescents take up a certain way of dressing because everyone else is dressing up that way? Do they let their hair grow long one year and cut it short the next because of fashion? Conformity occurs when individuals adopt the attitudes or behavior of others because of real or imagined pressure from them. Indeed, the pressure to conform to peers becomes very strong during the adolescent years (Santrock, John 1998. p. 211). More than any other outward manifestation of a person’s personality, the clothes has a language all its own. It is a nonverbal system of communication that symbolizes the beliefs and thinking of an individual. In an encounter, before people even speak to one another, their clothing makes a statement that expresses their age, sex, class, occupation and personality (Flynn, Patricia). Clothing has a language all its own. It can range from conventional and traditional to the outrageous and eccentric styles. Dress can identify its wearer with a social group. For example, jeans never go out of style with teens. The difference just lies in the style, cost and labels that identify them as designer. Wearing jeans may symbolize that the individuals are members of the same group (Flynn, Patricia). For example during the 1950’s, teenage clothing styles grew amidst the economic prosperity after World War II. The consumer market targeted those who were pampered and had money to spend on clothes. At the start, the adult designers were the trendsetters in terms of fashion sense. But the teens began to assert their own individuality and sported only the styles they most prefer. To these youth, this was a form of their self-expression (Flynn, Patricia). Image builders give a great deal of thought to the types of images that would have the strongest appeal to the greatest number of people. Merchandisers reason that they could build into their products the same traits that people recognize in themselves. Studies of narcissism indicate that nothing appeals more to people than themselves; so why not help people buy a projection of themselves? That way, the images would pre-select their audiences, select out of a consuming public people with personalities having an affinity for the image. By building in traits known to be widely dispersed among the consuming public the image builders reason that they could spark love affairs by the millions. The sale of self-images expedited the movement of hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of clothing, accessories and other beauty products. Thus, the image builders prove again and again that American consumers are becoming self-image buyers. Conclusion Young people, having identified with many models, have incorporated many different characteristics. Now they must integrate, synthesize, and reorganize these, dropping some characteristics and strengthening others. A new, unique and coherent identity emerges, one in which, â€Å"the whole has a different quality than the sum of its parts† (Erikson, 1959, p. 90). Fashion and style exerts a different kind of psychological influence of people, especially adolescents since they are pampered by society. A cast consumer market is bombarded with the advantages of being â€Å"in† a group by adapting a distinctive sense of fashion. It is, therefore, important that people understand the psychological influences underlying this issue. People must be critical in recognizing that merchandisers of many different products connected with fashion probes people’s subsurface desires, needs and drives to find their points of vulnerability. (Santrock, John 1998. p. 211). Among the subsurface motivating factors found on the emotional profile of most of us are the drives to conformity, need for oral stimulation and yearning for security. People must be critical in understanding that once these points of vulnerability are isolated, the psychological hooks are fashioned and baited and placed deep in the merchandising sea for unwary prospective customers, particularly the youth. References Covey, Stephen R. Living the 7 Habits. (1999) Erikson, E. (1959). Identity: Youth and Crisis. New York: W. W. Norton. Fashion. Nationmaster. Retrieved Feb. 21, 2007 at: http://www. nationmaster. com/encyclopedia/Fashion Flynn, P. (1985). Body Language –The Language of Contemporary Fashion. Accessed 12

Friday, September 20, 2019

Important Design Principles In Animation Film Studies Essay

Important Design Principles In Animation Film Studies Essay Animations are sort of popular films in the world, due to its visual effect, appealing stories and grace graphic arts, (Compton 1997). Classical animations (2D animation) have stayed relatively the same for 80 years (Jones Oliff 2006). The tools animators used to use to produce an animated film was pen-and-paper medium. However, during the past 10 years, animated films have been through some major changes because technologies of computer generate (CG) animation has created and improved rapidly (Jones Oliff 2006). Jones and Oliff (2006) also mentioned that due to development of CG tools, the important principles of design in the construction of an animated film have significantly changed. Although most animators and animated film industries abandoned the hand-drawn traditional animations and has produced animations by CG, especially after some successful popular animated films such as Sherk 2001 and Toy Story 1995, a few famous master animators, like Andreas Deja who is known becaus e he drew the main characters in Hercules and Who Framed Roger Rabbit still prefer to draw animation by traditional tools (Corliss 2005). This essay will look at the principles of design in the construction of both traditional 2D animation and 3D computer animation. It also will compare 2D and 3D animation and examine the current tend which is to apply 2D traditional animation to 3D computer animation. Three main construction principles of animation design are looked in this essay. First, before shooting animation, there are significant tasks which should be done first. For example, the principles of creating an animated story those audiences enjoy watching, and building up the personalities of animated characters. Besides, designed storyboard is essential for preparation of animations. Next main principle of animation design construction is shooting animation. Principles of shooting traditional 2D animation and 3D computer animation are examined and several differences and similarities between them will be analyzed. First instance is processes of drawing or designing the scenes of an animation both traditional 2D anim ation and 3D computer animation. Next, principles of action of animation, such as straight head action, pose-to-pose action, will be mentioned as well in this stage. In the end of this section, to analyse two main functions of 3D computer animation, squash and stretch and timing and motion, could make traditional animated film more realistic and entertaining. The final stage covers the principles of post production of animated films. The purposes of these tasks after shooting animations are in order to accomplish animations completely and perfectly, such as technologies of overlapping, editing, sound, music and voices. This essay examines the principles of design in the construction of both traditional 2D animation and 3D computer animation from the beginning to the completion of animation. Fundamentals of characters and storyline, target audience and message of film, planning in the design stage Principles of creating an animated story that audience enjoy watching The first step in making animated movies, a group of artists, writers, script writers, directors, computer graphic specialists and producers come together to brainstorm a group of ideas which bring out ideas of characters that match storylines. Most storylines and characters come from books and magazines, or a screen writer/writer creates a character and storyline. However before this happens many simple questions have to be asked for example who is going to be the audience, does the storyline match the audience, what is the story line convoying to the audience, does the character match the storyline and are the characters suitable to convoy a peculiar type of message (How to make an animated Movie, n.d.). Next, the most value of a film is expressing education, when animated stories are chosen, the meaning the stories would express through animation should be considered. Finally when a animated storyline is fully scrutinized by the film development team, by making pilot animated movi e, this is scrutinized by the directors, producers and finally a test audience which is interviewed after the pilot movie to see their reaction, and does it convoy the storyline (Harper 2000). Build up the personalities of animated characters After the storyline is decided, the next step of making an animated movie is the design of the characters. They have got the most important role and they are going to carry the message/story of the movie. This is done by giving the animated characters personalities that is conveyed in the story outline which is one of the key factors that makes a successful animated movie (Savoye and Meyer 2008). Storyboard the preparation for an animation Differences in preparation between traditional animation and 3D computer animation There is an important principle in the preparation for an animation. In any form of an animated movie/scene, a storyboard is made. This is an outline of the animated movie/scene. A storyboard describes the scenes of an animated (movie/scene/story) which includes images and works made by artists, screenwriters, computer animation specialists, producers and story writers. This is done by using artist sketches which is known as a story sketch. In the time before computers, drawings were made to make a scene usually. They had to make 26 drawing for one second of film, each drawing was called a story sketch (Blair 1994). A story board is made that includes the characters/scenes that are going to convey the message/story about the movie. After the first storyboard is drawn, there are regular meetings between the storyboard artists and director (Blair 1994). This is to make sure that the movie is keeping to the story line of the movie; however many discussions and meetings are held to redraw or re-board until the right message is conveyed to the audience(Blair 1994); however with modern technology and the advancement of computer graphics the use of computer animation has allowed animated movies to be easily edited that brings a lot of cost savings and reduce the amount of time is made an animated movie discuss how to redraw or re-board until the final storyboard comes out. Unlike a 2D traditional animation, storyboard artists of 3D computer animation use computer with animation software to create the storyboard. The result is that using computers to redraw or change the storyboard not only reduces more time of meetings and discussion, but also saves money. Important principles of shooting traditional 2D animation and 3D computer animation Drawing or designing the scenes of an animation 1. Traditional 2D Animation Process In the days before there was computers, animation was all done by hand. This was done by creating a series of drawn images. This is what is known as cel animation (Harper 2000). However before an animated movie or cartoon story is created a story board must be made. This gives a visual outline of the animation to be made, from the story board, that gives animators and writers ideas how to synchronize drawing and how to follow the story line which can also include soundtrack music. However, a storyboard is only a rough outline and it is only used as a guide and to test themes, layout and composition for the animation and also decide on the script and edit scenes before large scale production of the animation. The next step of the animation process is the design and timing that is where the characters are decided and refined to the scene, also at this time the sequences of events that are going to take place, and for example the scene angles and character positions are decided. The next stage of the animation process is the production of the animations that is where individual pictures are drawn frame by frame, which is usually done by hand and animators are assigned to individual characters, and artists will design and draw the background of each scene. After this process another one occurs where each frame is placed onto a clear film known as a cel, which the pictures are colored and then photographed for the final animated product and also voice, music and sound are added to the animated scene. 3D computer animation Computer animation follows the same format by filming a sequence of painted cels then using layers, keyframes, and tweening techniques (Harper 2000). The main difference between a 2D and a 3D animation is a 3D animation is made by computer and software, such as Dreamweaver, which is an animated design tool which animators can animate elements of pages with graphical interface (Harper 2000). For example, users design half of the characters face then use Dreamweaver to duplicate it to complete the face. Next, the animated characters are made more real and perfect by computer-generate (CG) because every movement and detail in 3D animation is analyzed and calculated accurately by the system of animation software. B. Principles of action of animation In the early days of film animation, Walt Disney Studios was the first Studio to attract large audiences to their animated films with the like of Snow White (1937), and Pinocchio (1940), this transform animated movies from a novelty form into animated movies being a art form. Walt Disney studios does this by defining twelve principles in animation that makes film animation characters more lifelike and able to catch the attention of the audiences (Lasseter 1987). Lasseter (1987) and Thomas Johnston (1981) pointed the following principles of action of animation which are squash and stretch: shape distortion to accentuate movement, anticipation: leading audiences, staging: the camera view point to show the best action. Straight-ahead and pose to pose action: allowing nothing to finish suddenly. Slow in and slow out: gentle starts and stops. Arcs: The path of actions for example throwing a ball which a ball follows and arcs. Secondary actions: movement of a lizards tail or a bounce in a persons step. Timing: time relations with actions for the illusion of life. Exaggeration: caricature of actions and timing. Solid drawing: Excellent drawing and artist ability. Appeal: audiences are attracted to the characters. Finally these twelve principles underlined the four guiding principles of production firstly Character development by giving characters personality, secondly a story which leads the audience, thirdly acting and emotions making the character life like. Finally, expression and dialogue is giving the character emotion 12 Principles of Animation (Thomas Johnston 1981) 12 Principles of Animation was illustrated clearly by Thomas Johnston (1981) in The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation: Straight-ahead and Pose-to-Pose* Squash and Stretch* Anticipation Staging Slow-in and Slow-out Arcs Secondary Action Timing and Motion* Exaggeration Solid Modeling and Rigging Character Personality Follow-thru and Overlapping Action Following examples are some of 12 principles of animation which are illustrated in Thomas and Johnstons book, The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation: Straight Ahead Action Straight ahead in animation is that sequential order of the frames of animation characters are drawn or set up by the animators. For example, after animators set the first frame with the second one, they the set up rest of the frames until the scene is completed. This is a process where the scene is produced by one drawing or image per frame that the animator. By Thomas Johnston 1981 Pose-to-Pose Action Thomas and Johnston explain that Pose-to-Pose Action Drawing or setting up key poses and then drawing or creating in between images is how Pose-To-Pose animation is done. This is the basic computer keyframe approach to animation. It is excellent for tweaking, timing, and planning out the animation ahead of time. + By Thomas Johnston 1981 quash and Stretch One significant function of 3D animation is to make an animation look more real. Anything in 3D animation will squash and stretch when it is moving. For example, when a ball in animated film is bouncing, it would be squashed and stretched to mimic a real movement of a ball. By Thomas Johnston 1981 By Thomas Johnston 1981 Timing and Motion Timing is most important for presenting a ball in 3D animation fallen like the movement of a real ball. When a ball falls, it is accelerated because of gravity, before the ball touch the ground, all gaps between each frame growing all the process. By Thomas Johnston 1981 III. Principles of post production of animated films Principles of Follow Through and Overlapping Action in animated films Follow Through and Overlapping Action are terminating an action and establishing its relationship to the next action (Thomas and Johnston 1981). Thomas and Johnston (1981) continually explained that the function of follow through is to terminate part of an action, for example, when a person is throwing a ball and the hand continues to move after the ball is released, overlapping action is to start the next action before the first action is completed. The purposes of follow through and overlapping action are to accomplish the animations smoothly. Editing of 2D animated films and 3D computer animation The final stage of animated film production is film editing which is usually the most effect upon consuming part of animated film making (Dmytryk 1984). Film editing is the essential skill which Dmytryk (1984) explains can be defined as an art form and technique, which is done by accumulating and assembling pictures and scenes into a coherent, logical and cohesive story. The film editor does this by assembling the footage; however, the job of an editor is not only about putting pieces of film together. A film editor must use his or her creative thought by using layers of images. It is not only apply these images with the story and follow the script and dialogue, but also considers the addition of music and has well set the pace of the film. In addition, editors might work with the animators and the directors to try gain the best performance that means animators would re-draw scenes over again and redirect and maybe rewrite the film few weeks after the film has finished shooting for m aking the film more cohesive (Dmytryk 1984.) Conclusion Every stages of creating hits animations are crucial, from the beginning to plan every detail, create a story, and build up the personalities of animated characters and shooting animations to the end to finish post production. Whatever using hand-drawn medium or CG tools to produce animations, the important principles of animated design are still involved art of film which is putting moving images on the screen (Jones Oliff 2006). This assay not only covers the important principles of design in the construction of an animated film in every stage, but also analyses both computer garnered animation and classical animation. Three main steps of producing animation-principles of before shooting and shooting and post production an animation- are examined. In addition, 3D computer animation has developed and been used to produce some CG hits animations already. As the result is that some principles of animated design have changed. However, the some important animated principles havent been moved, such as writing an appeal screen story, breathing life into characters (Porter and Susman 2000), or matching the music and voices in animations. Finally, these principles of design in the both construction in traditional 2D animation and 3D computer animation is in order to produce a gorgeous animation. Although animation principles of design in the construction have been changing due to development of CG technologies, the purpose of animation might be similar. How to make animated characters more lifelike, or produce an animation which audiences enjoy watching might be main aims animated industries and animators desire to achieve. Porter and Susman (2000) pointed that 3D animation could create scenes more complex, images more ponderous, and characters more fluid. However, 2D traditional animation could draw in the romantic-realistic style animation (Corliss 2005). Therefore, animated companies and animators should be encouraged to produce animations by the techniques which 2D animations apply to 3D animations. References List 3 D Computer Graphics, (n.d). flash article and images, viewed 17 May, 2010, Animated film making by Pixar, (n.d.), flash article and images, viewed 17 May, 2010, Blair, P, 1994, Cartoon Animation, Walter Foster Publishing, Laguana Hills. Dmytryk, E., (1984). On Film Editing: An Introduction to the Art of Film Construction. Focal Press, Boston Harper, B, 2000, EDC385G Multimedia Authoring at the University of Texas at Austin, viewed 23 April 2010, How to make an animated movie, (n.d.), video, viewed 27 April 2010, How to parenting techniques maya, (n.d.), video, viewed 30 April 2010, How to parenting techniques maya, (n.d.), video, viewed 30 April 2010, Lasseter, J, 1987, Principles of Traditional Animation Applied to 3D Computer Animation, Computer Graphics, pp. 35-44. Savoye, A Meyer, A, 2008, Multi-Layer Level of Detail for Character Animation, The Fifth workshop on Virtual Reality and Physical Simulation Thomas, F., Johnston, O., 1981, reprint 1997, The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation. Hyperion,pp. 47-69 Youre your own cartoon straight ahead and pose-to-pose, (n.d.).description of video, viewed 3 May 2010),

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

In today days Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac dysrhythmia that is often seen in clinical practice. There are 700,000 strokes in the USA each year and 15% of it caused by Atrial Fibrillation. For a long period of time warfarin was the only oral anticoagulant available in the US for patients with atrial fibrillation to prevent stroke events. Recently a new oral anticoagulants, including apixaban, dabigatran, and rivaroxaban have been developed and became available in the US for the stoke prevention and systemic embolism for patients with atrial fibrillation. Now, when all three new anticoagulants are available as an alternative to warfarin for the same indication, they make the health care providers question which agent is the best and for which patients. New agents have practical advantages over warfarin that has many limitations such as need for monitoring, regular dose adjustment, food and drug interaction and side effects. The major goal of the health care prov iders is to prescribe the safest and the most effective alternative drug and dose to each individual patient with AF. However, the approval for clinical use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicine Agency differ for anticoagulants and their dosages, and for the individual indication (Harenberg & Kraemer, 2012). Thus, more research needs to be done regarding the monitoring tools for new anticoagulant agents, and extend the use of these agents to other patient population. Keywords: anticoagulants, apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, warfarin, atrial fibrillation, stroke. Warfarin or New Anticoagulant for Stroke Prevention in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common arrhythmias that ... ...s and may not fully understand the importance of their medication, therefor, Advanced Practical Nurse should take every opportunity to reinforce the need of the patients to adhere to anticoagulant therapy and may play an important role in patient’s adherence by providing constant education about their health condition and the importance of their medication. More research should be done on new oral anticoagulants with different study population and similar patients that are seen in everyday clinical practice as well as attempt to define the best pharmacodynamic monitoring tools. Research should be conducted to outline monitoring protocol including timing relative to dosing and frequency as well as therapeutic targets. Using these strategies, future trials could enhance further the efficacy and safety of these new agents and could extend their use to new indications.

Grandpas House Essay -- Observation Essay, Descriptive Essay

Grandpa's House As I walk in through the door, I begin to sense the feeling of warmth come over me. This is the feeling I get every time I arrive at my Grandpa's house in Price, Utah. It's where I spent the first five years of my life. This is my second home. My family and I live about four hours away from Price, but that still doesn't stop us from going to visit as often as possible. The drive there is rather boring, but it's worth being able to see the familiar landscape of my past. After driving through a small town known as Wellington, I know that I am within minutes of being able to glance at my second home. I wait with anxiety as the car makes its way ever closer to the bridge that crosses the river, which runs right by the property of my Grandpa. Ahead I can see the old house and all the rickety, old buildings and corrals surrounding it. The excitement mounts inside as I let myself out of the car and make my way up toward the front porch. As I gently touch the cold, handmade iron railings that line the wooden steps, I know I've reached my destination. As I stand in front of the dark brown, wooden door with its small, yet beautiful etched glass window, I remember all of the times that I have passed through this portal and entered the warm, comforting rooms inside. Before entering, I take a step back to admire this old, stubborn house. It's a two-story, white house with a three-car garage attached to it. My grandpa built the entire house from the foundation up and a lot of the items in it. After observing this scene for a few minutes, I continue to enter the house. I slowly turn the brass knob of the door and anticipate the feeling of acceptance inside. As I open the door, a flood of warmth passes over and through... ...e property. There are corrals and sheds, which are beginning to show the effects of deterioration. Several fruit trees stand in a small orchard, which is next to a garden plot. My Grandpa's shop can also be seen from the window. This is where my Grandpa likes to spend most of his time creating new inventions or fixing old items. As I depart from the kitchen, I walk into the living room. There is a terrifying ugly brown couch with a crocheted throw draped over it. Two more Lazy-Boy chairs sit by it. On the opposite side of the room from me is a stone fireplace with shelves built on either side of it. These shelves are filled with books on every topic one can think of. Subjects range from the Civil War to cooking and mechanics. Above the fireplace rests an old, dependable clock. As it strikes the hour with its dings and dongs, I know I am where I belong. I am home.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Student :: essays research papers

Downsizing is framed within the context of removing or taking out employees witch are of much use to the company’s work process, or their performance is not adequate. It is almost like upgrading your old pc, and taking out the old and obsolete parts. Many successful companies nowadays engage in downsizing as a purposeful and proactive strategy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Interestingly though, some studies have shown that only a handful of companies actually have improved organizational performance with downsizing. Downsizing may prove to be a good solution to some of the companies financial and staff performance problems, but downsizing has wiped out hundreds and thousands of jobs all over the world, disrupted the lives of many employees, and changed the face of employment forever.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion downsizing may be the only solution to many companies and their problems, but it leaves be hind an enormous scene of unemployment, and opens up many doors to the employees that were better left closed. Sometimes downsizing is not the only solution to a company, they could consider training some of the employees.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now to address the second part of the question, which is about finding employees with the right qualifications to fit the desired post. Most companies nowadays look for employees with the right qualifications, but they are not willing to pay high salaries. There are many qualifications that companies seek when they are employing people to their workforce. They range from the basic ones such as enthusiasm, personality, outer appearance and so on. To the more elaborate such as technological and technical skills these are most important to data analysis, research and development sectors of a company. Visionary skills will also be in demand, for the ability to gather and analyze a wide range of data, and then this input and knowledge to guide the organization in to the future will be vital. The ability to learn will be above everything else will be very important, empowering people to grow and help their organizations achieve their desired goals & objectives. Some of these skills are innate, but many people enhance their ability to learn through college and university courses.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Business value

There is increasing pressure on business to be more flexible and to deliver products and services to customers quickly. IT practices often inhibit these business goals. IT is expected to deliver both cheap, reliable operations AND create new business value. These goals can get confused by both business and IT leaders and leadership can mix these up when evaluating IT or when doing IT planning and budgeting. IT is a key player in delivering most business strategies these days. Too often, IT leaders see â€Å"getting to know the business† as secondary to almost every other IT Issue, such as planning and architecture.Spending time In the business Is seen as a â€Å"boondoggle. † â€Å"Technocrats† Is confusing and frustrating for business. This can work against IT plans and strategies because business leaders don't understand how these plans/strategies relate to their own needs, Issues, and strategies. Business expects IT communication to be In business language. 1. How effective is the partnership between IT and the business at Hefty Hardware? Identify the shortcomings of both IT and the business. DB 2. Create a plan for how IT and the business can work collaboratively to deliver theSway Store program successfully. DB Synopsis This case highlights a retail firm struggling to make sense of the increasing criticality of Information technology (IT) to the business and the value IT is currently delivering. Torn between â€Å"keeping the lights on† and â€Å"delivering new products and services to customers†, successive Close have failed to connect effectively with their business partners despite seemingly effective relationships at the mid-management level. How to collaborate effectively with the business at all levels remains the key IT challenge.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Lessons from Rs Mcnamara

Walking Along a Familiar Path In Errol Morris’ documentary Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara, we follow the life and times of former United States Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara. The insightful piece follows his life from birth during World War I, his success at college, cunning business career at Ford Motor Company, to his involvement in World War II and his controversial political career during the Kennedy and Johnson presidential terms.Morris highlights the documentary around these eleven lessons that McNamara passes through during an interview for the film. In my opinion some of these ‘lessons’ are merely some opinions of McNamara and some seem to be spurred along by Morris, who is asking the questions in the background. I believe it is through some of these lessons that Morris uses McNamara’s success and failures to relate them to current issues such as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars; and how we seem to be treading do wn a familiar path.LESSON #5: PROPORTIONALITY SHOULD BE A GUIDELINE IN WAR? â€Å"In order to win a war should you kill 100,000 people in one night, by firebombing or any other way . . . Proportionality should be a guideline in war. Killing 50% to 90% of the people of 67 Japanese cities and then bombing them with two nuclear bombs is not proportional, in the minds of some people, to the objectives we were trying to achieve. † Robert McNamara This comment by McNamara resonated through out the film. I knew that there was some bombing in Japan but not to this extent.Morris puts forth one of the most powerful uses of imagery to captivate the audience and bring these death tolls to a whole other level. McNamara resentfully cites a series of Japanese cities that were partially or largely destroyed and matches them to American cities of comparable size, and asks us to imagine those U. S. communities similarly ravaged. It's a strong point, graphically supported by Morris on screen by flashing names and statistics at accelerating speed. â€Å"In that single night, we burned to death 100,000 Japanese civilians in Tokyo: men, women, and children. McNamara. Through this outrages example, I believe Morris was alluding to the large deployment of troops launched to fight small forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. Having twenty-five thousand troops fighting insurgent forces made up of small groups of guerrilla factions can be scene in some eyes as excessive and ill proportioned.LESSON #6: GET THE DATA and LESSON #7: BELIEF AND SEEING ARE BOTH OFTEN WRONG. â€Å"At one point, the commander of the ship said, ‘We're not certain of the attack. At another point they said, ‘Yes, we're absolutely positive. ‘ And then finally late in the day, Admiral Sharp said, ‘Yes, we're certain it happened. ‘ So I reported this to Johnson, and as a result there were bombing attacks on targets in North Vietnam. † McNamara The important fact from McNamara is that the escalation of the Vietnam War started based on a misinformed from a single crew thinking they had been torpedoed. This seemed to be a decent excuse to start bombing runs, mobilize troops and deploy them in to South East Asia.The parallels between these chain of events leading to the Vietnam War and the actions taken by the US government in launching campaigns against Afghanistan and Iraq are very similar. While the terrorist attacks on 9/11 were a violent catalyst to the conflict in Afghanistan, it was an isolated attack by a handful of terrorist. The US turned 9/11 into a raid on Afghanistan harboring factions of these terrorists, eventually overturning the government in power. Another similar lesson in which McNamara states we should â€Å"Get the data,† can be strongly related to the US government’s poor excuse to invade Iraq.The speculation that Iraq was in the process of making or in possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) was largely fabricated o rdeal backed by speculation and no quantifiable evidence. Since 2003, the US has still not found WMDs and have quickly skirted this issue under the rug while they change their war song as an action of freedom against tyrannical Iraqi government. LESSON #8: BE PREPARED TO REEXAMINE YOUR REASONING. ?†Were those who issued the approval to use Agent Orange: criminals? Were they committing a crime against humanity?Let's look at the law. Now what kind of law do we have that says these chemicals are acceptable for use in war and these chemicals are not. We don't have clear definitions of that kind. I never in the world would have authorized an illegal action. I'm not really sure I authorized Agent Orange. I don't remember it but it certainly occurred, the use of it occurred while I was Secretary. † Another one of McNamara’s strong comments that relate to that there is a consequence to every action we take and that we must live with that consequence.His job was tough, and he had to make some critical decisions for the ware fare of millions in which he, â€Å"Never had hindsight in making decisions at the time. † This, I believe, was Morris’ big punch in the mouth to the powers of the George W. Bush administration and their actions surrounding the invasion of Iraq. Now, at the time of release of this documentary the Iraq war was still in the infant stages of development- Morris had no clue how the war would turn out but left us with a strong statement that someone would have to be accountable for starting an unjust war.I was once told in a high school history class that, â€Å"History is written by the victors. † McNamara sums this quote up with a brilliant look back into some of his actions during World War II â€Å"[General Curtis] LeMay said if we had lost the war, we would have been prosecuted as war criminals. And I think he's right . . .. What makes it immoral if you lose and not immoral if you win? † Morris alludes through this lesson that someone will have to answer to these actions and wash the blood off their hands. Can we learn from history? Are we fated to repeat the mistakes that we've made in the past, again and again?Or can we learn from history and from the past? These are some serious questions I believe Morris forces us to ask ourselves. I believe that Morris was trying to bring up similarities of the past rather than actually relating the Vietnam War specifically to the Iraqi War, showing us that we are still treading upon our past mistakes. If we don’t learn from history and the events that pass we will be doomed to repeat history, over and over again. â€Å"Don’t make the same mistake twice†¦one mistake can destroy a nation. † Robert Strange McNamara

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Homosexuality in football Essay

Chapter One: Introduction: Addressing Homophobia in Football   Introduction should just give a brief idea of what work is going to be about so not much detail   Outline your argument – footballers affect society so a lack of homosexual players is also bound to affect the way it is portrayed   Talk about the problems surrounding football – i. e. racism, sexism. What is different about homophobia?   Why is homophobia a problem in football? Why is it taboo? Talk about programmes enforced to help combat it; i. e.just mention Stonewall, different programmes etc   Outline the different chapters you will be writing in the diss: i. e. I will be looking at (describe chapter 2) Only needs to be a page long, maybe a little longer. Basically outline your argument and refer back to your question, mention problems in football – why homophobia is taboo / big problem, talk about programmes (briefly) and then outline what you’ll be talking about in each chapter. FINALLY say at the end what you hope to conclude – i. e. homophobia is a big problem, it does affect society, what can be done? I intend to explore homosexuality within the footballing world, and how, if at all, its representative’s views on it affect those of societies. Football is Britain’s national sport, engrained into every aspect of our culture, and as such players are role models that transcend all classes, colours and creeds; so why do such a minute percentage feel it is a safe environment in which to be openly homosexual? Are the individuals involved simply inherently homophobic, or are there more deep-rooted explanations? I will be looking in chapter two at masculinity and where homosexuality lies within it, focusing particularly on the theories surrounding footballs role in reproducing a hegemonic masculine environment. Over the last 20-30 years it has become more fashionable to explore the varying moulds of masculinity, and I will observe footballs relationship with these developments. The differences on and off the pitch are also of relevance, and can be scrutinised easily due to the massive interest in, and thus coverage of, footballing culture. Chapter three explores possible reasons behind the lack of openly homosexual professional footballers today and throughout history, primarily using player interviews and concentrating on the case of Justin Fashanu, the first professional British player to reveal their homosexuality to the public. I will also discuss the issue as an international problem, which is not isolated to Britain and the Premier League. Finally, an evaluation of footballers as role models in our culture at present forms the basis of chapter four – how exactly do their views affect society’s’? ADD IN WHEN WRITTEN CHAPTER The industry has managed to overcome various other serious issues, such as racism and sexism, so what is it doing to combat homophobia? Since many efforts by the F. A. to address homophobia have been deemed superficial, does the F. A. even consider it as serious a problem as the aforementioned problems? The Stonewall organisation in particular has completed extensive research into the issues surrounding homophobia in football, interviewing players and fans alike, and even setting up the first gay football club. How successful has this been in drawing attention to the problem so clearly rife in the modern game, and what else can be done to encourage the changes so desperately required to come into fruition? I hope to discover through my research the extent to which homophobia runs in football, and by whom it is considered a problem. I am also intrigued to see how the public perceive the current situation, and how it alongside general footballing culture has influenced them, if at all.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay

Introduction No doubts that the demand for English language proficiency is high as Malaysians enter the international arena. Ergo, the purpose of this paper is to discuss on one of the hottest issues that perturbs the nation – low English language proficiency among Malaysian students. In order to understand more about the issue, we sought to dig the root causes of the issue and in doing so we discovered that the teaching methods applied by teachers because of the factors are contributing to the issue as well. In other words, the factors are interrelated to the reasons why such ill teaching methods are being applied and all these are resulting in low production of good English speakers in Malaysia. First of all, low English language proficiency is the unsatisfactory ability of an individual to speak or perform in English. The overriding concern with this issue is not unreasonable as we need the language to thrive in this 21st century. On the other hand, teaching methodology refers to a set of different principles and methods that are used to instruct students in a teaching and learning environment. In the educational settings, it is rather important to induce the peak performance from the students. This simply means that, we have to conquer the deterrent (i. e. the factors of the issue), whether we modify them or we eliminate them. Like any other issues, there is no such theory as â€Å"one-size-fits-all† solution to handle it. Therefore, we, as the future English teachers want to bring forth several possible recommendations as ways to overcome this issue in hopes that these approaches can truly be implemented and make a difference in the history of English Education in  Malaysia. Issue The pressing issue with low English language proficiency among Malaysian students has been revolving in the ministry of Education. Most students had no problem coping English Language during preschool whereby they were only exposed to the alphabet and very simple words. The real problem began to exist in the elementary level when most of the students were unable to follow the lessons. Students who cannot master English basic skills in this elementary level will breed more problems during the secondary and tertiary level in schools. In primary education, students are not being placed in a very conducive English language learning environment in which they will be given bountiful opportunities to use the language (Ali, 2003). Students fail to use English on a daily basis and when they are forced to use English to communicate, they speak pejorative English which causes the flow of communication to be stymied. This is probably the main reason why students converse in their own mother tongue more often than they do in English. In the modern age of technology, students with low English language proficiency will not make the most out of the internet because most of the websites are in English. If they cannot understand English used in the websites, they will have a hard time attempting to utilize the device. Not only that, the demand of high English language proficiency is around the globe. We can survive here in Malaysia with national language (i. e. Bahasa Malaysia) and our proud dialects yet we need English Language if we want the whole world to know us. Without a good grasp of the English language, students will be deprived of many opportunities in life since English is the international language. Hence, if we want to make a difference in this situation, we will have to start with the primary education. We believe that this issue shall no longer haunt the Malaysians once the root problems have been improvised or rather, solved. Factors The issue with the low English language proficiency among Malaysian students has arisen because the educators are not aware of the manipulative factors behind this tragic scenario. In this section, we will explore these contributory factors. First of all, the number of students is crucial in determining the quality of teaching and learning process. In Malaysia, most of the schools place 30-40 students in one class. In spite of the level of English standard of each student is different, teacher attempts to teach students in the same way. Due to this large number of students in one class, the teacher often has no choice but to apply the boring method – lecture method. To a certain extent, lecture method is appropriate but if that is the only method the teacher is going to apply in class, it will result in dullness and inefficiency. In addition, the large number of students inhibits the teacher to give attention to every single student thus passive learning ensues. Another factor of impeding the students’ ability in English language is that students themselves fall short of initiative and participation in the classroom (Juhana, 2012). Students show no interest in a so-called foreign language and hence very reluctant to get involved with the teaching and learning session. They are inactive to put their own effort in seeking knowledge. For instance, when a student does not understand a certain word in an essay, he or she expects the teacher to provide the meaning. So, instead of waiting for the students to take the initiative to check on the dictionary (which takes time), teacher simply resorts to spoon-feeding method (i. e. providing every material for the students). In the end, only the teacher is learning and the students will merely passively wait on the teacher for answers. In an English class, the reason students failed to use English effectively also attributes to the Eastern philosophy whereby a teacher has the tendency to criticize students’ mistakes very harshly. It demotivates students, making them fearful of speaking the next time and in the worst scenario, students hate the subject and pass up the opportunity of learning. Teachers are impatient with the students’ slips of tongue and they consider such mistakes as a sign of failure. When the students do speak correctly, the teachers think it is how it should be done and they rarely give any words of encouragement or compliments (Hassan & Jamaludin, n. d. ). This tendency indirectly renders the teacher to apply autocratic teaching style which is not helpful for English language learning. This method emphasizes on the teacher’s authoritative identity hence it is very hard for such strict-and-powerful autocratic image to smile and give compliments. Furthermore, due to the exam-oriented platform, many teachers rush through the year in order to push the students to sit for the examination (Ali, 2003). In the English classroom, many teachers have no time to concern with the understanding of students regarding to the rules of grammar, the structures of the sentences and whatnot. For example, they give students essays and require them to copy and memorize. The way to prepare the students for examination the teachers deem best is by drilling. However, such rote learning will only result in stress instead of meaningful learning experience. Eventually, the students are drilled to become competent only on papers but failed completely in daily usage of English. All these factors are equally pernicious in taking a toll on the second language performance among Malaysian students. As educators, we have to generate the strategies to overcome these factors and make the impossible possible. Solutions Previously, we have discovered many factors that indirectly cause the teacher to implement inappropriate teaching methods and so result in low English language proficiency. These factors sum up in one word: teacher-centered. This explains why the teachers are hardly implementing various innovative teaching methods. Teacher-centered method applied in today’s classroom is not effective anymore. Instead of using teacher-centered method, student-centered method which derived from the Modern and Western philosophies should be implemented. Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the context or the teacher. Hence, since the number of students is large, the schools should bring in more facilitators in a class to assist the students. This will help the facilitator pays close attention to the students. With the assistance of facilitators in a classroom, there is no reason why active learning cannot take place. For example, one leading teacher can carry out the group discussion and enable the children to experience hands-on learning. A French philosopher, Jean Paul Sartre, suggested that for youth, the existential moment arises when young people realize for the first time that choice is theirs, that they are responsible for themselves. The nature of reality for Existentialists is subjective, and it lies within the individual. They have the freedom to take charge of their own learning as  they are given the opportunity to manage their own learning process. We as teachers are responsible to facilitate the students in their learning process rather than teaching them what to do. This indirectly helps to provide opportunity for the students to take control of their own learning process. As they are interested in what they have chosen to read or learn, they will be the ones who solve the problem (e. g. meaning of a word) instead of being spoon-fed by the teachers. In this way they will be able to make progress in their lessons and participate more. Western philosophers stress on active participation on their learners but to criticize and demotivate the students is not proper in the western philosophy. Western education philosophy believes that providing compliments to the students is an important task for a teacher as it will motivate the students to strive hard. For example, compliments given to the students when they score well in their examination or did a good job in the task or assignments given by the teacher. However, teachers should not only provide compliment when they excel but also to give encouragement when they are not doing so well in the examination. For instance, during an English class, teacher distributes the test papers after the examination, it is not encouraged for the teacher to read out loud the score as it will demotivate and also embarrass the student. It is better that the teacher gives a word of encouragement so to push them to work harder next time. Furthermore, the education ministers should really abolish the exam-oriented system. Instead, the 50% coursework assessment should enter the system. Coursework can include all kinds of fun activities that require students to apply the language learned. This is to overcome the agonizing drilling method. With that, Western philosophy that emphasizes on understanding the subject matter can be very handy in this scenario. For example, the students should learn by understanding the reasons why each part of speech in grammar has different functions. In a nutshell, according to the Western philosophy, students learn by meaningful learning, they do not memorize what they have learnt but rather understand what they are learning. These philosophical resolutions are only useful provided the government, educators, teachers, parents and students and community at large give their best cooperation into making them a success. If we are serious about improvising the English language proficiency among Malaysian students, nothing can stop us, not even the factors of the failure in the first place. Conclusion In conclusion, teaching methodology contributes towards the effectiveness and success of the teaching and learning process. As what we have explored there are several factors that hinder the English Language proficiency among Malaysian students. Among those contributory factors discussed are the number of students, students’ shortfall of motivation, harsh criticism for students’ mistakes and the exam-oriented education system. All these factors are very much harmful in the process of second language acquisition (i. e. English Language). As such, we have provided remarkably appropriate strategies as the solutions to overcome this issue. They are the implementation of student-centered teaching which focuses on the students’ – their ideas and opinions, providing more teachers as facilitators in class, hands on learning (Progressivism), place importance on individual choice (Existentialism), giving compliments instead of criticism (Western Philosophy), and learn through understanding rather than mere memorization (Western Philosophy). Hence, by utilizing all the four education philosophies in moderation which are Modern philosophies such as Progressivism and Existentialism, also the two Western approaches that focus on students rather than the teachers. We strongly agree with usage of the Modern Philosophies and the Western Philosophies according to the needs and suitability of class as what we have discussed. We believe that we can produce an ideal education transformation to develop individual holistically and thus enhance the English Language proficiency by applying and practicing appropriate teaching methods to encounter the troublesome factors. References Ali, M. S. (2003). English Language Teaching in Primary Schools: Policy and Implementation Concerns. IPBA E-Journal, 2-3. Hassan, A. & Jamaludin, N. S. (n. d. ) Approaches & Values in Two Gigantic Educational Philosophies: East and West. Retrieved on March, 22, 2013 from http://www. oerj. org/View? action=viewPaper&paper=7 Juhana, J. (2012). Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia). Journal of Education and Practice, Vol 3, No 12. , 103.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Practice week Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Practice week - Assignment Example The evaluation and designing of data gathering tools has resulted in the collection of the following data on the problem of physical inactivity among the youths. The United Kingdom department of Health and Human Services recommends that young people between the ages of 18-25 should participate in at least sixty minutes of physical activity. However, this is not usually the case because only 18% of young people within this age are those who are active physically. 29 % of young people of this age have a record of attending physical education only in institutions of learning while the rest do not attend any form of physical fitness exercise (Humphreys & Ruseski, 2007, p. 541). Lack of physical activity affects academic achievement of a person such as concentration and attentiveness in classroom. 34% of academic mischievous individuals results due to lack of physical activity. According to Humphreys and Ruseski (2007, p. 544), physical inactivity influences overweight and obesity and increases the risks of one getting diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, high blood pressure, poor health status and arthritis. Over 60 % of deaths and diagnose cases of the above conditions among affected individual has its roots from lack of physical activity. Physical inactivity influences and raises the chances of a person dying prematurely, developing diabetes, dying of heart diseases and colon cancer (Humphreys & Ruseski, 2007, p. 545). 58 % of problems and general deaths in hospitals arising from the above conditions have their causes traced from physical inactivity. From the data gathering and information collection, 77% percent of individuals between ages 18 and 25 years reported not to have participated in a free-time physical activity during the previous fourteen days. Instead, only 15.1% have participated in not more than sixty minutes of any

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example These theorists argue that social networks provide privileged access to entrepreneurs to their required resources which helps them progress in the business. On the other hand, there are factors other than knowing others which contribute to successful entrepreneurship. The paper develops a critical view towards the notion of social networking and contact-building and its relationship with entrepreneurship. The significance of social relations in entrepreneurship has since long been recognized with the same being used by entrepreneurs to obtain resources and advice on starting their business. This is because the need for contacts is evident at various phases of the new business. Relationships between entrepreneurs and those who possess resources required for the startup are quintessential to the success of a new business. Although the entrepreneur possesses the competence and knowledge as well as a novel idea to run the business, complementary resources may be required. Contacts provid e the resources, knowledge and/or market accessibility required for making the business idea work. Knowing individuals and organizations that operate amongst themselves broadens the resource base available to entrepreneurs for successfully running the business. Contacts that enable success of the new firm comprise the social capital and are essential components of entrepreneurial networks. The social capital, therefore, refers to the individuals who help entrepreneurs in getting things done. These contacts include, but are not limited to, individuals in the professional networks as well as friends and peers from past jobs. They form the basis of the wider entrepreneurial networks that comprise of not just individuals but clusters of companies and organizations. By increasing the size of their networks and number of contacts, entrepreneurs can get access to greater information and resources from those who are knowledgeable. Furthermore, the way in which entrepreneurs â€Å"positionà ¢â‚¬  themselves in the network determines the extent to which they are able to take advantage of their contacts. The aim of such positioning is to shorten the path to the contacts in order to get tasks done. Finally, members of the social network often tend to organize themselves by interacting amongst themselves which leads to the development of ‘multiplex’ ties that benefit the entrepreneur even more. Furthermore, family members too can play an important role in entrepreneurial success. In fact, they play a critical role in so far as entrepreneurship is examined in the context of family business (Rosenblatt et al., 1985). Therefore, knowing family members who have been involved in entrepreneurial business in the past is definitely an ingredient for success for family-run entrepreneurial businesses. Entrepreneurs can benefit from the unique business-specific knowledge that is possessed by their family members including parents. Most importantly, for maintaining confi dentiality of the business idea, most entrepreneurs may find it easier to obtain advice and guidance from their kin rather than non-kin contacts. On the other hand, having strong family ties may inhibit entrepreneurs from accessing a much larger pool of resources and information from non-kin contacts (Birley, 1985) (Renzulli et al., 2000). It is rare to have knowledgeable individuals from all disciplines of business (such as operations, marketing, HR) in one’s family (Renzulli et al., 2000). Hence, entrepreneurs will, at various times acquire the support of their acquaintances for this purpose. However, this social network is not developed instantaneously and may